Monday, 29 July 2019
Sunday, 28 July 2019
15 Photos That Accidentally Caught Something Creepy
15. u/roxer09
Have you gone back to your old camera phones from the early 2000s and looked at some of the pictures you took? Chances are seeing these pictures from a time long past brought back nostalgic memories of good times long gone. In this case however, this woman is still unsettled by the image her sister caught many years ago.
14. u/melbelle256
On a visit to the Biltmore Estate, one of the most haunted places in the USA. This image was captured in one of the rooms, formally the servant quarters. At the time the picture was taken however, nothing out of the ordinary was noticed until reviewing them some days later. An odd ghostly image can barely be seen, a woman looking as if wearing old time clothes, looking at the camera.
13. u/sitarjams
A day out on the water with his kids, a father and his son were enjoying the occasion – taking the opportunity to go for a swim in the ocean together. Without a second thought, this photo was taken and forgotten about until later. The next day reviewing the photos he was shocked to see this. He said “I’m holding on to the boat with my right hand and my left hand is holding up my son and there seems to be an arm holding some sort of spectre coming from my back. Could any camera malfunction cause this?” Whilst we can’t explain this photo, what appears to be an extra arm definitely looks creepy.
12. u/relatedtowitches
Known as America's Most Haunted Hotel, Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas attracts many hoping to have a paranormal encounter. This photo was captured in one of the hallways. At first glance, nothing looks unusual until you see the strange misty shapes at the woman’s feet.
11. u/Exlier
Selfies are a must to capture a memory of special moments. Two cousins, on a night out to a local fair, they took a selfie together to immortalize the good times they had. Little did they realize, there was an additional face in the picture that they didn’t notice at the time.
10. u/BaronSMD
Now this one is truly chilling. A reddit user posted an image that he captured one night at his Dad’s workplace. The user said that his Dad’s workplace is a fairly far away from the city, out in a semi remote forested area. The location is used for high schoolers to come take part in various farming activities. A few years back, a group of boy scouts spend the night out there. While the children were making a campfire, a workmate of his dad took this picture. Later, he uploaded the pictures to the work group and noticed that there was a "ghostly" image of what looks like a very young girl in the back.
9. u/DeezBigOnes
In this photo, the uploader had recently installed a blink home security camera. Being that the camera responds to motion, it triggered detecting that there was motion in the room and this photo was captured. If you look at the bottom right corner, you can see what appears to be a blue orb, or series of orbs.
8. u/thedxxps
On a tour of an old 1800s building of a high society members club called the “Cult of Influencers”. The person capturing this image during the tour, seemed to capture something looking like an imp or small humanoid creature perched up in the rafters. The building has since been converted into an art building, but whatever that thing is, it does not look friendly.
7. u/emilyks97
Here we have another anomaly captured on home security camera. The uploader in this case believes the strange thing caught in the image to be the ghost of her grandparents making their presence known. She indicated that there is always a feeling of someone being there, and she holds this picture as proof of her intuitions.
6. u/Dochorahan
This picture was taken inside of a 400 year old catholic convent back in 2014 in Tunja, Colombia. On a tour, at the time the library was closed but the person duty agreed for a few photos to be taken as it would not have been too much of a hassle to allow it. At the time, the person taking the photo said . “I remember seeing black mass/silhouette on the balcony but didn't think much of it. Hard to see with the stark sunlight coming through the windows. It did not move at all and there was no facial features or hands so it couldn't have been a person.”
5. u/XxPokeApe43
“Robed Figure sitting on my couch.” Was the title given to this one. The person capturing this photo claimed to be home alone at the time, despite this – he believes you can clearly see a figure with sleeves sitting in the background.
This picture was taken of a couple together at Pyramid Lake back in 2003. The quality of the image is very low and the authenticity of it is very suspect, but the claim is that a ghostly girl was captured in the corner of the image. What do you think? A ghost girl or a case photoshop?
3. u/Jim_Keith
There is legend of a creature called the Goatman. The legend surrounds the Old Alton Bridge, also called the Goatman’s Bridge in Denton, Texas. The person capturing this image was on the said bridge at the time and claims that the smoke in this photo, forms the image of the legendary Goatman creature.
2. u/roses369
Can you see the face in the tower? The back story goes that “we visited an old church known for its weird, paranormal activity. Lots of old tales and stories surrounding the place, so we went to see for ourselves. The church was apparently built the wrong way around.” She goes on to say that access to the tower is blocked off, making it impossible for someone to climb up there. Regardless, she claims this photo shows proof of a ghost in the tower.
In our final chilling photo featured on this list. We get what appears to be an actual shadow person caught in a photo. The poster says “My sister sent me this last month. She told me she and her son were the only ones in the house at the time this was taken and the pic scared the hell out of her for some time.”

10 Unbelievable Moments Caught on Video!
These are 10 Unbelievable Videos that Shouldn’t Exist:
10. This is a video that was submitted to the
channel sometime back, by a viewer. The
video is CCTV footage of a ghost at a Papa John’s Pizza. The hungry poltergeist was captured on video
as it roamed the entry area to the restaurant.
The staff at the time, would always report strange occurrence and
mysterious happenings at their location, but this was the first time they had
actually caught something on video. When
the shadowy spectre appeared, the branch manager quickly gave chase in attempt
to see with his own eyes, what exactly was appearing on the security
monitor. Sadly, by the time he arrive it
had already disappeared.
9. During a sleepover, a group of girl friends
decide to mess with the supernatural, and by now judging from the fact that we
are even talking about it means that things didn’t turn out quite well for
them. Lucky for us, the documented the
entire event on camera for us to watch and enjoy. Not having a proper Oujia board, they decided
to make one of their own from a sheet of paper and an overturned wine
glass. Then they proceed to ask the
spirit burning questions to their hearts desires. At first they start suspecting each other of
playing tricks in order to get a good scare going. It soon became obvious that this wasn’t the
case, as the tension started to increase. This is what happened next.
8. A group of teens that were up to no good on
the streets of Buenos Aires late at night record themselves as the roam the
streets of the Plaza de Tigre. Panning
the camera around the area to show that they are infact completely alone, they
happen to realize that something strange was going on in the playpark nearby. They zoom in on a swing, going crazy. A little bit amused, a little bit curious and
somewhat idiotic, they go to investigate.
7. For those who aren’t fans of haunted doll
stories, this one won’t be to your liking.
This video was captured and posted online by a woman who has had
strangely abnormal interactions with dolls.
She says that Years ago, her sister had a Dora doll that she really
loved. The Dora doll her sister had
could move it’s head electronically.
However, she claims that they never put batteries in it, because at the
time that would have been additional expenses that they simply could not have
afford at the time. One day, their
mother caught her sister singing and playing with the doll, not noticing the
doll turns it’s head to look at her.
This is actual video that was recorded of the incident.
6. So these photos were claimed to have been
taken in London about 1 1/2 year ago and forgotten about. The uploader was
shocked to see the strange anomolies of what she had caught. She says she captured a series of photos in
burst mode and turned them into short clips.
Whilst on the trip, she did not bother look at them until she returned
5. This next clip is strange and very
interesting. The video was captured on
the home security camera of the owner of the property. The video captures a transparent, ghostly
form walking or running from one end of the screen and slowly
disapperaing. What makes this even more
creepy is that fact that is was captured during the daytime and all the details
are clearly visible. We’ve replayed this
one many times, trying to determine what exactly that was.
4. Next we have paranormal footage captured at a
pub somewhere in the UK. The cameras
captured a woman seemingly dressed in Victorian era clothes walking across a
connecting bridge. The staff at the pub
often report many strange occurrence, from objects being throwing across the
room during their shifts, to patrons sometimes feeling an uneasy presence
around them and even some have reported being pushed by invisible forces. The authenticity of the footage is
questionable but eyewitness accounts all claim that they have had experiences
they couldn’t explain.
3. Hospitals are places that many go to seek
medical aid and recovery, sadly, hospitals are also the last place many see in
life on this planet. It is because of
this, many believe that there exists a lot of residual spiritual attachments
there. In this video, the uploader
managed to capture some strange activity in a vacant room at an unnamed
hospital somewhere in South America. The
manage captured the distinct cries of a child, as we see the handrails of the
bed continually vibrate. The uploader
insists that there weren’t any other children on that floor at the time.
2. We have another video
uploaded by a viewer of the channel. The
uploader documents all of the strange activity taking place in his room. He claims to be tormented on a daily basis by
some kind of entity that goes out of it’s way to be violent towards him. During the recording of his video, he managed
to capture the moment the entity lashed out towards him, knocking over a cup of
pens. Let’s take a look.
1. In our last video, we
something truly creepy as a family documents what is supposed to be a fun
moment with their child. A strange, ghostly white mist is caught in frame.
Thursday, 25 July 2019
Kill la Kill the Game: IF REVIEW
Anime fans rejoice as the hyped release of Kill la
Kill the Game is here. Kill La Kill -IF- is an arena-based
combat game set in the world of the popular animated series of the same name. This
licensed fighter follows the lore of the series it is based on, but tells a
parallel story that fans of show will find surprisingly enjoyable. The game is an almost perfect re-creation of
the anime series, managing to capture all of the style and energy of the show. It uses a flat toned 3D model system that
almost looks like it’s cell shade but not entirely. The colours are vivid, bright and the overall
look feels just like you are playing an episode of the show.
The game has a story, versus
and practice mode – as well as a gallery.
The story mode as mentioned before, tells a new scenario of events separate
from anime. Versus mode is where you get a chance to test your skills in the
arena against AI or human opponents. Multiplayer options allow for competitive
battle amongst friends or linking up with challengers from around the world for
head to head battles.
The game surprisingly
includes both the original Japanese voices and the English dub. This is rare inclusion that many other
anime-based games have neglected adding in the past. Having the option to choose is a very
welcomed addition here. That being said,
fans of the either the dubbed or subbed version of the anime will instantly be pleased
by which ever vocals they pick, as both are equally as good and accurately
match their respective characters.
What about the fan
service? What would a Kill la Kill game be without its most iconic element? The developer of the game Arc Studio Works
were quick dispel fan concerns, that the game would be censored on
consoles. They assured fans that game
was going to release uncensored, the way it was meant to be experienced. Based on the pre-released version of the game
and the demo it seems that they were true to their promise.
As an anime inspired
game, Kill la Kill IF has everything a fan of the series would want. An engaging story, compelling visuals,
multiple audio options and an enjoyable solid combat system. All in all, whether you are an ultrafan of
the anime or just someone looking for a visually stylized fighter to pick up
and play, Kill la Kill IF is a solid game and worth your time.
Thursday, 18 July 2019
The Untold History of Precognition (Future Sight)
Future sight has always been considered a psychic ability to see events in the future. Despite the lack of scientific evidence on the topic, many people still believe it to be real. Many know the name Nostradamus as being the most well-known allegedly predictor of future events, but there are also many others, who are well documented for having a mysterious ability to predict the future.
One such person of note was Baba Vanga. A Bulgarian woman who was blind, but was believed to have had the uncanny ability to see future events. Her predictions were so believed by her followers that they even believed she prophesied her own death.
The ability to see and reveal future events, date as far back as Antiquity. As precognition has been associated with trance and dream states, with most recorded instances manifesting in the form of dreams. The problem with these predictions, being that many critics hold the belief that they are the seeds of cause. That, the prediction is guided into coming through because the idea envisioned is an unavoidable inevitability. In other words, a self-fulfilling prophecy – knowledge of what is supposed to happen will lead to a change in behavior, causing the events prediction to happen.
The term itself “precognition” didn’t become common use until the 17th century, with a particularly cited case being written records left behind by a French Missionary to African in 1883. The missionary documented an encounter he had with a witch-doctor with whom he did not trust. In order to test the witch-doctor and possibly expose him as being a fraud, the missionary then wrote a question directed towards to witch-doctor and keep it concealed. However, contrary to his expectations, the witch-doctor was able to give the correct answer without ever having heard the question.
Moving into the 20th century, a notable case of testing human’s ability to accurately have precognitive dreams involved the case of a man called Charles Lindbergh. In 1932 the Lindbergh's infant son went missing and was feared kidnapped. Psychologists Henry Murray and D. R. Wheeler used the opportunity to test the possibility validity of precognitive dreams by inviting the public to report any dreams they might have had about the child. A total of 1,300 dreams were reported. Sadly, the child was later found deceased and buried among some trees. Only five percent accurately envisioned the fate of the child and only 4 of the 1,300 envisioned the location of the grave as among trees. The number was no better than chance.
Wednesday, 17 July 2019
10 Videos That Will Fuel Your Nightmares
From the ghost of a witch possessing a haunted doll, to a
couple of friends who learned the reason why you should never use a spirit
board at a cemetery. These are 10 videos
that will fuel your nightmares. So,
let’s get started.
In our first video, we have a Reddit user that documented
the moment he experiences an odd case of paranormal activity in his
kitchen. He says, every time he puts a
bottle of tea (regardless of the brand) on a specific counter, it would move
all by itself. In order to try to debunk
the occurrences, and to prove that it is not being caused by any other factors
in the room - he ensured that all the windows were closed, and fans were
off. After catching the first instance on camera, he then again
managed for a second time to catch the tea hungry poltergeist on video. This time, with his girlfriend and mother in
the room as witnesses. For a third time
he managed to catch the ghost again, but this time it went for a plant behind
the bottle placed on the counter.
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Ghost likes tea; Snapple bottle on kitchen counter |
9. Light in the sky
We have some members of a family who spot something unusual
in the sky. After the sunset, one of the
children pointed at an abnormal light in the sky. It was a glowing mass, slowly drifting across
the night’s sky. What turned from being
a regular family gathering, turned into a shared experience of witnessing something
strange and mysterious.
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Is it a UFO? (strange light in the sky) |
8. Many spirit orbs caught on camera
Using a home security camera setup next to his bed, the
upload of the video intended to catch any possible intruders. He indicated feeling a sense of unease and not
being alone at times. In the video, he
believes he caught a large amount of spirit orbs on camera. Whilst it is hard to definitively prove orbs
caught on video to be real or not. He
truly believes he caught something paranormal.
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Security camera catches multiple spirit 'orbs' |
7. Drawer opens on it's own
A couple of co-workers managed to capture on video a desk
drawer opening on its own, whilst they were on shift. The strange event had them baffled as they
reached out online for any possible explanations to try and make sense out of
what might have caused it. Some were
quick to suggest that maybe the drawer was simple loose, others thought that
maybe the floor might have been uneven.
Regardless, the coworkers do believe that they have caught something
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Explain this? |
6. Dog reacts to unseen ghost
Many believe that animals are more in tuned with the spirit
world than people are. It is thought
that some animals can even see spirits and often respond in odd ways to the
things that we cannot see. In this next
video. A couple were settled in bed for
a movie night together when they noticed their dog started acting strange. He stood up and starred without moving at the
garage door. On the other side of the door, they reported hearing groans and
unidentifiable noises. They then decided
to record video. The couple later added, that they believed the house to be
haunted, as they have heard of a case of a mysterious death before purchased
5. Hungry Poltergeist
Unsettled home owners set up trail cameras at various points
throughout their home to capture proof of some of the many strange happenings. They claim to have seen full bodied
apparitions; have had many instances of doors opening and slamming shut,
banging noises and often random voices can be heard. They reported that the activity had become so
bad that a paranormal investigative team had advised they setup recording
devices and vacate the house. They did
as advised and this is what they caught.
4. Goes 'Bump' in the Night
What is scarier than hearing bumps in the middle of the
night that you can’t explain? That’s
exactly what was captured on video and shared online. The video was posted to
Reddit by a user in an attempt to get some explanations as to what it could
possible be. In the short clip, we can
hear the sounds of footsteps followed by whistling and an odd banging
noise. Some opinions where offered but
no concrete explanation was offered for what this might’ve been. What did arise however, is how common such a
scenario actual is – as many users reported having similar experiences at their
homes as well.
3. Paranormal Investigator threatened by Haunted 'Witch' Doll
The YouTube Channel ‘The Haunted Hunts’ caught a bit of a
shock when A "HAUNTED" doll appeared to tell a ghost hunter that it
wants to put a "curse" on them and asks them to "release
me" in a creepy video. Paranormal Investigator Danny Moss on an investigation at a secret location, believes that
he managed to capture video of a doll possessed by the spirit of a 17th
century witch manifesting itself to him.
In the video, recorded last month, Mr Moss can be seen holding a
Crucifix and asking "what do you want to burn" - to which a
"voice" chillingly replies "your eyes".
2. Ghost Of Nun Caught At Abandoned War Hospital In England
When on an after-hours exploration of an abandoned World War
2 building. The unexpected terrifying
happens and this was caught on video.
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Ghost of Nun stand in door frame |
1. Why You Should Never Use A Ouija Board At A Cemetery
As per our usual, we always save the best for last. In the video that was recorded last year, a
couple of roommates stationed at an undisclosed military base, were given a
night off. They decided to go to a local
cemetery and mess around with a spirit board in hopes for the laughs. Being skeptics, they say this as being
harmless fun. Since that night, they
have reported been experiencing strange activity on an almost nightly
basis. With drawers opening by
themselves, bottles being flung across the room and random objects going
missing from time to time. On this one
occasion, a record of some of the occurrences was captured on video. This is what they caught.
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Possessed Roommate (Video) "Wtf am I supposed to do ??!" |
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Possessed Roommate sits up in bed |
Monday, 1 July 2019
CCTV caught ‘figure’ walking through closed gate - Is It Real?
Ghost caught on CCTV walking through a closed gate of a village in the Philippines. Could this be a real ghost?
Recently, a video has surface online showing a strange figure caught on CCTV walking through a closed gate in a remote village, somewhere in the Philippines, but is it real? Let’s investigate.
Social media has been going crazy over last 24 hours when a video surface showing a what many are saying is ghost that was caught on CCTV cameras walking through a locked gate. Shocking footage is unbelievable, that many have been trying being to debunk and explain that this wasn’t something paranormal.
The video appears to be a recording of a monitor that is playing back the recorded security footage. Unfortunately, because of this a lot of detail is lost, making it harder to accurately analyze what exactly happened. If you look closely at the footage itself, you will see the view of the CCTV security camera that is pointed down what appears to be a driveway. We aren’t give any specifics however, other than the video was captured in the Philippines. Therefore, we don’t know where exactly or who recorded it.
The entire video is only 20 seconds long, before it begins repeating. At the start, from the left side of the screen, a shadowy figure comes into view and walks to the middle of the gate. At that point, the figure continues walking forward and through the closed gate were it stops for a second and the video ends.
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Ghost figure inside the gate |
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Ghost figure outside of the gate |
Many are saying that due to low resolution of the video, we can’t see the gate being opened, or perhaps climbed over. Therefore, it is was likely that it was either opened and or climbing over it. Both of these scenarios however, aren’t the case. Despite the resolution being low, we clearly the center point where the gate would normally open remains closed the entire time. As from the fact that the figure actually passing through the bars of the gate itself. Also, at no point was there any sort of movement to indicate that the person or entity attempted to or climbed over at all.
Unfortunately the main pieces to solve this puzzle are missing here. The footage ends abruptly before we get a better view of the figure as it walks towards the camera. It is possible that the footage may have been altered, but without having access to the original high quality footage and to the entire video clip. It is hard to make conclusion on this one.
What do you think? Could this be a real ghost - Let’s discuss further in the comments below.
10 Scary Videos From the Weird Side of Youtube!
For anyone who ventured to the deepest, darkest parts of YouTube - you would know that on the platform there are some very unusual and sometimes disturbing content to be found. In this list we have dug deep and are going to show you some videos that were posted to YouTube that makes us say WTF. Here are 10 Scary Videos From the Weird Side of YouTube! So let’s get started.
Scary abandoned building exploration and haunted investigative videos are some of the most interest to watch. The excitement and pure anticipation of what might be caught on camera makes for a tense and engaging viewing experience. What is worst, is when something is actually captured on video for the viewers to see. In this video, the explorer decided to search a haunted mental hospital that has been shutdown for more than 40 years. When it was in operation, the place could have been described as a place of nightmare as opposed to care. With many patients meeting their ends at the hands of their care givers. In this video that was captured, the explorer comes into contact with a shadowy figure pacing back and forth. At the time of recording, he didn’t notice that at that moment, he wasn’t alone.
This is an older clip from the early days of YouTube. It was a different time from what we are used to today. A time when widescreen wasn’t available, and cat videos dominated the front page. A few friends record their outing in the Sydney Harbor. It was a beautiful day as they enjoyed the seemingly uneventful occasion. That is, until this happened. Do you believe in mermaids? Personally I am a skeptic, but this video clearly showed they were in the company of some aquatic creature, even if we cannot conclusively say what it was.
This video surfaced more recently, and it quickly gained popularity. Going viral on social media and on YouTube. Despite all the red-flags that this is not what it says it is and its clearly mis-leading as to what actually happened. The general public still holds the opinion that this own is something paranormal. I must admit, however, that the idea of coming across mass emptied graves in cemetery would freak anyone out. The video was uploaded, claiming to show empty graves in Thailand. The consensus is split between this being the start of a zombie apocalypse or that everybody has gone to the rapture.
In my personal favourite video on this list, this Youtuber records himself talking about some of his past experiences. What was supposed to a routine video, ended up being the moment he accidentally catches paranormal activity. As he is caught up talking to the camera, he doesn’t notice that the objects on the dresser behind him being shuffled around. This is truly terrifying and makes you wonder when stuff in your house is moved around - is it a case of your inconsiderate roommate messing with your stuff or could you possibly have a poltergeist that you aren’t aware of.
Thanks to CCTV cameras, when strange stuff happens, the footage can be invaluable in finding out what happened. This is a fact that this store owner can a test to when what believes was a ghost, knocks a glass bowl off the counter. The owner reports that in the past, customers would indicate uneasy feelings as if they were also being followed as they walk around the store. Many times, items would go missing, only to turn up days later without any explanation. It wasn’t this incident was captured on video, that she now believes her store maybe haunted.
Another case of a haunted playground. As we have seen many times before. Ghosts love to get their workout in at playgrounds. The video shows the equipment moving energetically on its own. Seeing these types of videos never get old and from the commentary and amusement in the voices of the onlookers, they seem to also agree.
With the title of “Most Authentic ghost footage of all time” this video is regarded by many to be the most definitive proof of the existence of the paranormal. The video claims to show the ghost of what many believe to be one of the unfortunate souls from the Battle of Gettysburg. Both believers and skeptics regard Gettysburg to be a true nexus point for paranormal activity. The video captured what appears to be, the ghostly figure of a man dressed in uniform walking as he slowly de-materializes.
Many cite this video and others like it as proof of the existence of the Reptilian overlords. This video has been a highly debated on all sides by some saying it is only digital artifact and others claiming it to be glitches in their shape shifting tech that were aren’t meant to see but were accidentally caught on video. What do you think of reptilian theory? Are you a believe or you think it is all non-sense? I am genuinely interested in hearing all your thoughts on this.
This young girl was just having fun with the camera. We can all remember being young and just messing around on camera for fun. In this case however, she managed to catch something that isn’t normal. If you look at the background to her left, you can see at many times some kind of strange dark creature runs from one end to the other. The quality of the video is not the greatest, combined with the extremely poor lighting makes it hard to say what exactly is is for sure, but it is undoubtedly creepy.
In our last clip we have a haunted doll. We know for many of you, haunted dolls are a personal nightmare. In recent times, dolls have taken to spotlight for being creepy and deceivingly menacing. We have seen many videos of people capturing actual footage of dolls animating on their own and moving by what seems to be free will, but this video is just plain unsettling. The two women discuss the doll and the weird things that it does. At first, as if it knows its being recorded, the dolls does nothing. Unfortunately things don’t stay that way very long and this happens. Let’s take a look.
The True Story of the Real Life 'Corpse Bride'
You have probably heard the story of the woman in the window down in Mexico. Nothing is scarier than the thought of something that is on public display, maybe hiding a dark secret below the surface. This story will both intrigue and creep you out. This is true story of the real life Corpse bride called “La Pascualita”.
Today in Chihuahua Mexico stands a wedding boutique unlike any other. This boutique is the home to a macabre display. A mannequin that is allegedly the embalmed corpse of the original owners daughter.
The story goes, that back in the 1930s the daughter of the shop owner, according to the legend, was bitten by a venomous creature on the day before her wedding. Sadly, the bite was destined to prove fatal, as she inevitably passed away. Her mother, named “Pascualita”, overcome with loss and bereavement, couldn’t fathom the loss of her daughter. Laying her to rest was not an option, as this would be an acceptance of a reality that she wasn’t prepared to accept. Using all of her resources, she sought out the best funerary services money could buy and had her daughter embalmed, dressed in the wedding gown, and later displayed the corpse, passing it off as a mannequin.
With the passage of time, the mother Pascualita passed away herself but the store remained open, changing hands a few times but the mannequin of Pascualita’s daughter remained unmoved from the storefront. The mannequin later becoming called La Pascualita, which it’s known as to this day. According to many witnesses, who have see the maneguuin of La Pascualita, they claim it moves, blinks and sometimes walks on its own.
The legend has persisted over the decades even into present day, with a few variations on the original story. Some versions claim her fiancé was the one that had her embalmed. It is more usual for late night taxi drivers to notice the mannequin take life as the bride's intended was said to be a taxi driver himself. In 2017, the mannequin was taken out of the wedding boutique for the first time and displayed in Mexico City.
Wheater or not you choose to believe it for yourself, this is the story of the legend of living Corpse bride “La Pascualita”.
The Story of Alex Aiono Time Traveler Incident
On February 19, 2018 - a video was posted to the official facebook page of universal music New Zealand called Umusic NZ. The page is for the New Zealand subsidiary of the Universal Music Group (UMG), one of the largest music companies in the world. The post, was of a video recording of singer/producer Alex Aiono’s welcome celebrations, at his arrival in the country. The video itself shows nothing out of the ordinary at first glance. We see Alex exiting the terminal where his is greeted by a group performing the traditional ‘haka’ dance in his honor. Eagle eyed net users, where quick to notice something out of the ordinary however. They pointed out, the moment when one person in the background suddenly vanishes. Who was this person and how did she manage to completely disappear whilst being directly recorded on camera?
Martin Alexander Aiono, better known as Alex Aiono is an American singer, producer and Youtuber who began his rise to fame in the mid-2010s. He is the son of a European American mother and a Somoan father. Currently signed with Interscope Records, a division of Universal Music Group – Aiono was on a visit to New Zealand in 2018, as part of his tour. When during his arrival at the Auckland airport, the strange event were captured.

Since its posting online, the video has been analyzed by many trying to solve the mystery. The fact that the video was captured and uploaded Umusic NZ themselves, somewhat adds to confirming the authenticity of the footage. If we look closely at the video, we see from the very start, the girl in the black hoodie in the background. She goes unnoticed by the other people around her as she blends in with the people on the sidelines, at times even recording footage of her own. At one point, she is even seen joining in, doing the dance moves and chants. The moment of interest happens when camera zooms into Alex as he starts embracing with the people coming up the greet him. We see her in the background, just to the left of Alex, as she moves to the opposite end. For couple seconds she is obscured from view as she passes behind Alex and the man. We expect to see her emerge out the other side, but she never does. Other people could be seen, moving from one end to the other but the girl never re-appears. Either to the way she came from, or to the opposite side where she was headed. It’s as if she simply no longer is present there at that instant. Keep in mind that this footage is all one continuous shot. It has not been cut or edited in anyway.
At first, it could be thought that maybe she was standing in such a way that she was being obscured or blocked from view somehow behind Alex and the person he is hugging. But, when they separate we clearly see that wasn’t the case at all. We’ve replayed this video, analyzed it frame by frame and theorized on all possible explanations and scenarios for what might have happened here. Many have claimed that they believe she is a time traveler that came back to our time to see her idol, before jumping back to her own timeline. It just so happened that it was caught on camera. Others say that it might be a ‘glitch in the matrix’ type situation; where she is an after image or a person that slipped in from another dimension parallel to our own. What do you think? In this case, we genuinely can’t explain this one… but we want to hear your thoughts on this one.
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