15. u/roxer09
Have you gone back to your old camera phones from the early 2000s and looked at some of the pictures you took? Chances are seeing these pictures from a time long past brought back nostalgic memories of good times long gone. In this case however, this woman is still unsettled by the image her sister caught many years ago.
14. u/melbelle256
On a visit to the Biltmore Estate, one of the most haunted places in the USA. This image was captured in one of the rooms, formally the servant quarters. At the time the picture was taken however, nothing out of the ordinary was noticed until reviewing them some days later. An odd ghostly image can barely be seen, a woman looking as if wearing old time clothes, looking at the camera.
13. u/sitarjams
A day out on the water with his kids, a father and his son were enjoying the occasion – taking the opportunity to go for a swim in the ocean together. Without a second thought, this photo was taken and forgotten about until later. The next day reviewing the photos he was shocked to see this. He said “I’m holding on to the boat with my right hand and my left hand is holding up my son and there seems to be an arm holding some sort of spectre coming from my back. Could any camera malfunction cause this?” Whilst we can’t explain this photo, what appears to be an extra arm definitely looks creepy.
12. u/relatedtowitches
Known as America's Most Haunted Hotel, Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas attracts many hoping to have a paranormal encounter. This photo was captured in one of the hallways. At first glance, nothing looks unusual until you see the strange misty shapes at the woman’s feet.
11. u/Exlier
Selfies are a must to capture a memory of special moments. Two cousins, on a night out to a local fair, they took a selfie together to immortalize the good times they had. Little did they realize, there was an additional face in the picture that they didn’t notice at the time.
10. u/BaronSMD
Now this one is truly chilling. A reddit user posted an image that he captured one night at his Dad’s workplace. The user said that his Dad’s workplace is a fairly far away from the city, out in a semi remote forested area. The location is used for high schoolers to come take part in various farming activities. A few years back, a group of boy scouts spend the night out there. While the children were making a campfire, a workmate of his dad took this picture. Later, he uploaded the pictures to the work group and noticed that there was a "ghostly" image of what looks like a very young girl in the back.
9. u/DeezBigOnes
In this photo, the uploader had recently installed a blink home security camera. Being that the camera responds to motion, it triggered detecting that there was motion in the room and this photo was captured. If you look at the bottom right corner, you can see what appears to be a blue orb, or series of orbs.
8. u/thedxxps
On a tour of an old 1800s building of a high society members club called the “Cult of Influencers”. The person capturing this image during the tour, seemed to capture something looking like an imp or small humanoid creature perched up in the rafters. The building has since been converted into an art building, but whatever that thing is, it does not look friendly.
7. u/emilyks97
Here we have another anomaly captured on home security camera. The uploader in this case believes the strange thing caught in the image to be the ghost of her grandparents making their presence known. She indicated that there is always a feeling of someone being there, and she holds this picture as proof of her intuitions.
6. u/Dochorahan
This picture was taken inside of a 400 year old catholic convent back in 2014 in Tunja, Colombia. On a tour, at the time the library was closed but the person duty agreed for a few photos to be taken as it would not have been too much of a hassle to allow it. At the time, the person taking the photo said . “I remember seeing black mass/silhouette on the balcony but didn't think much of it. Hard to see with the stark sunlight coming through the windows. It did not move at all and there was no facial features or hands so it couldn't have been a person.”
5. u/XxPokeApe43
“Robed Figure sitting on my couch.” Was the title given to this one. The person capturing this photo claimed to be home alone at the time, despite this – he believes you can clearly see a figure with sleeves sitting in the background.
This picture was taken of a couple together at Pyramid Lake back in 2003. The quality of the image is very low and the authenticity of it is very suspect, but the claim is that a ghostly girl was captured in the corner of the image. What do you think? A ghost girl or a case photoshop?
3. u/Jim_Keith
There is legend of a creature called the Goatman. The legend surrounds the Old Alton Bridge, also called the Goatman’s Bridge in Denton, Texas. The person capturing this image was on the said bridge at the time and claims that the smoke in this photo, forms the image of the legendary Goatman creature.
2. u/roses369
Can you see the face in the tower? The back story goes that “we visited an old church known for its weird, paranormal activity. Lots of old tales and stories surrounding the place, so we went to see for ourselves. The church was apparently built the wrong way around.” She goes on to say that access to the tower is blocked off, making it impossible for someone to climb up there. Regardless, she claims this photo shows proof of a ghost in the tower.
In our final chilling photo featured on this list. We get what appears to be an actual shadow person caught in a photo. The poster says “My sister sent me this last month. She told me she and her son were the only ones in the house at the time this was taken and the pic scared the hell out of her for some time.”

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