Monday, 19 August 2019

10 Oddly Strange Moments Captured on Video


10. We all understand the pain of losing a loved one.  In most of our lists, we feature various types of ghosts that are scary or with ill intent, but this one stands out as being the most heart warning than anything else.  In the video, a man is seen kneeling at a graveside, grieving the loss of a loved one. This is when a ghostly figure appears to lean over, putting its hand on his shoulder to comfort him.  

9. The next clip will not be a favorite for people who dislike doctors and worst for people afraid of surgery.  As a team of surgeons prepare their patient for a medical operation, a ghostly apportion is also present that no one in the room seems to be aware of.

8. Night terrors are more common than we would like to believe, with many people all over the world reporting at some point in their lives having vivid dreams of being restrained, sometimes even being unable to breathe during a terror episode.  The word ‘nightmare’ even comes from an old belief, of a creature that would come sit on the chest of people sleeping, whilst giving them bad dreams.  In the video, the man experiences one such episode that he documents on camera.

7.  Working late at the office is an unfortunate sacrifice that some make to get their workload completed.  The scary part is what happens when you realized there is also an unseen entity along with you, whilst you work into the late hours. 

6.  A couple of friends, an old wooden bridge and a remote location in the Japanese countryside.  All things that guarantee something interesting is about to happen.  In this clip feature on Japanese TV, a near accident was avoided whilst crossing this this unstable bridge, however they didn’t realize the safety of the bridge wasn’t their only concern.

5.  This is footage from a famously haunted house of what appears to be, the footsteps of the former house master on his regular rounds of the premises. 

4.  Here we have again another video of inside an office after hours.  This time around, everyone has gone home for the day and the security cameras are recording.  Thanks to that, were able to capture this strange footage.

3.  Some people suffer from strange phobias, such as people who are scared of the color purple and those who are deathly scared of insects.  Hypno-phobia however is the fear of falling sleep and people who have this fear will go to any lengths to avoid shutting their eyes at night.  In this video however, after documenting his restless nights, he learns he had a valid reason to be afraid of falling asleep.

2. For those who aren’t fans of scary dolls, creepy dolls, haunted dolls of just dolls as a whole – may want to skip this next clip.  A possessed doll comes to life in Peru, moving and talking on its own for the people watching.

1. In our last video, we have another strange figure capture during a video call. In the clip we see 2 people talking to each other, when one notices something out of the ordinary and tells his buddy to go check it out.  Unfortunately he just happened to miss it, but fortunately for us, the camera didn’t.

Ghostly face caught on camera under bridge; Japanese Ghost

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