10. We have some dashboard camera footage that was recorded in the early hours of the morning, on a highway somewhere in Malaysia. Lucky for us the driver was recording footage at the time and managed to capture this heart stopping moment on camera for the world to see.
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Highway Ghost in Malaysia |
9. Whilst we have seen various haunted wheel videos in the past and have even featured some in past videos, seeing this next clip is both terrifying and amusing. There is little background information on this one and the clip ends somewhat abruptly but in it we see an empty wheelchair seemingly moving on its own as it approaches the persons recording.
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Haunted Wheel Chair |
8. Next we have a video uploaded to reddit by a distressed poster who documented a strange encounter in his room. His posts states that he recently moved into his new barracks, that is when strange things started happening. The light in his closet started turning on and off all by itself, and he could often hear a series of knocks coming from his desk. This is the video he uploaded of his experiences.
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Ghost in Barracks #1 |
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Ghost in Barracks #2 |
7. Free Fire is a popular mobile game, based around the current hype and popularity of the battle royale genre. A young girl from Honduras however, is convinced that the game is evil and holds demons that are tormenting her and lives of her family members. To warn others she records a video of herself whilst supposedly possessed, warning others to stay away from the game. Due to the original video going viral, she has since made multiple television appearances and done a series of interviews. Many have called her claims fake and suggest that this was her chance to get her 15 minutes of fame by capitalizing on the popularity of the game. That said, the is the original video she posted to facebook.
6. In the next video, we have some security camera footage that was captured at the front of the home owners property. The video shows the moment a strange figure comes into view, then paces back and forth before slowly dissolving away as it walks off. Many say the figure looks like a person wearing a backback or suffers from a case of a pretty severe hunch back. Some say it might be a shadow person, whilst other believe it to be a more sinister entity. Regardless the footage on its own is very creepy and unsettling.
5. This next clip was posted online by someone asking for answers for a strange occurrence they experience at 2:40 am nightly. The poster claims that Everyday at 2:40am, they would hear the same scream outside in their neighborhood. The unsettling phenomena still continues to persist, like clock work at the chilling screams can be heard nightly. This is the video they uploaded as proof of their experience.
4. Being that we are skeptical of featuring orb videos on these lists, this video just narrowly made the cut. This next video claims to show what is believed to be a spirit orb that was caught on camera at an un-named hotel. The staff reportedly tried to debunk the video once they saw it, but concluded it could not be dust or any insects crawling over the lens. They all stated that no members of staff have every had any strange or out of the ordinary experiences they would classify as being paranormal, but did stated that guests to the hotel would sometimes report odd experiences in the very location the orb was seen.
3. This next clip is one of my personal favourites on this list. The video was supposedly captured by a couple of friends, out late when they noticed a local church, they were familial with had its doors open at that hour, which they noted as being unusual. They then decided to record video and managed to capture this strange blink and you will miss it moment. Near the end of the clip, as the camera zooms in a person suddenly walks into frame before the recording ends. The person recording said only him and his friend where there at the time and they have no idea who is the third person on the video, as they did not see anyone there at the time.
2. This video was uploaded entitled “Haunted Tim Hortons”. The uploader shared this captured CCTV from their workplace, of an experience they claim that happened about 2 years ago. They pointed out that if you pay close attention to the pink tea basket on top of the sugar dispenser, as the Lights flicker on and off. The basket is seemingly knocked off the counter by an invisible force onto the floor. This is one of many strange occurrences they said, that they’ve experience at that location.
1. As always, we have saved the best and most chilling clip for last and this case is no exception. The footage was captured at an abandoned hospital in Edmonton Alberta. That specific location is quite well known, according to the person who captured the footage for sightings of weird and strange occurrences. This is what they captured for themselves on a visit to that location.
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